"...Poverty also impacts dramatically on the nonpoor. It has a dampening effect on wages in general (by maintaining a reserve army of unemployed and underemployed anxious for any job at any wage) and breeds crime and violence (by maintaining conditions that
invite private gain by illegal means and rebellion-like behavior, not entirely unlike the urban riots of the1960s)."
The poor people aren't the only ones that suffer from the effects of poverty. Impoverished people soon become angry and frustrated which results in outbursts and/or riots (as mentioned in the above passage from Gregory Mantsios). During suchs riots many innocent people are harmed in an act of violence as the impoverished try to make themselves known.
It is important that we as citizens realize that there is indeed a lower class and that the distribution of wealth within our country is extremely uneven. In fact, America actually has enough wealth, if distrubuted correctly, to allow everyone to live comfortably.
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